About StrictlyDB

StrictlyDB is a database of dances performed on the BBC TV show 'Strictly Come Dancing'. It was built by a group of friends who are Strictly fans for fellow Strictly fans. The idea is to allow fans to easily find all dances in one place and be able to filter them by criteria such as couple, celebrity, professional, score, type of dance, music danced to and much more! 💃 🕺

The place for Strictly Statistics

As well as exploring the dances database, we have a Strictly Come Dancing related blog where our 'Strictly Statisticians' (fans that like looking at the numbers) share insights on all sorts of aspects related to dance data - the most, the least, the best, the worst, trends, predictions and a whole lot more!

No endorsements!

We do have to point out that our site is not officially endorsed in any way by the BBC - we are just fans indulging our love of Strictly.  Of course we hope they like it, and we have tried hard not to infringe any usage rights and stick to using content that is considered 'shareable'.  

Talk to us

We really hope you enjoy the site and always welcome feedback. Please get in touch using the form below if you've something to share.
