Strictly predictions game – Week 7 scores on the doors
4 November 2024We felt confident before the show about the top of Saturday’s leaderboard but less so about the bottom and elimination – and none of us saw the shocker that was Sam going home.
Podcast 6: Jamie draws the shorts straw
1 November 2024The team are back to talk all things Strictly, reviewing Halloween week and making predictions for Icons week. Never shy to ask the tough questions, the team ponder ‘Are tens coming too easily’, ‘Will Jamie be in shorts again?’, ‘Are Swifties bad at Strictly?’ and ‘Who will Carlos appear as next?’.
Strictly predictions game – Week 6 scores on the doors
28 October 2024It was the hardest week to call so far, and things are definitely getting interesting on the StrictlyDB predictions game leaderboard as Matt goes from zero to hero – a bit like Pete in the ballroom.
Podcast 5: A broom, a bat and a very strange cat
25 October 2024In this episode the team share some frightening facts and scary stats about Strictly Halloween night, play a ghoulish game and of course make their paranormal predictions for this weekend’s leaderboard and elimination.
Strictly predictions game – Week 5 scores on the doors
21 October 2024Not a bad scoring week for the team, and we were delighted to celebrate our second ‘Perfect Score’ as James called everything correctly and scored a perfect 8 (3 for top, 3 for bottom, 1 for elimination and 1 bonus for getting everything correct).
Podcast episode 4 – Open a museum!
18 October 2024The StrictlyDB team are back again to review what we thought of last week’s episode (week 4) and play our predictions game (for week 5). Who will be top and bottom of the this Saturday’s leaderboard and who will be eliminated on Sunday?
Strictly predictions game – Week 4 scores on the doors
14 October 2024We’ve had our own predictions game leaderboard shake-up here at StrictlyDB after Week 4, and Steve, who’s feeling sabotaged by the new T.A.S.H.A rule, is not happy…
StrictlyDB podcast – Episode 3 – hair flying, eyes sparkling
11 October 2024The StrictlyDB team are back for another podcast! In the show we review what we thought of last week’s episode and play our predictions game. Come and join in the fun!
Strictly predictions game – Week 3 scores on the doors
7 October 2024Steve, our developer, who has never seen a show storms even further into the lead on our Strictly Predictions leaderboard this week (even though he had no idea it was Movie Week!)
Is it beginner’s luck or can his winning streak continue into Week 4?
StrictlyDB reflections and predictions podcast – Episode 2
4 October 2024It’s Week 2 of our Predictions game where we predict who will be top and bottom of Saturday’s leaderboard plus who will get the Strictly shove.
There’s extra sparkle today as we discuss who could shine or stumble in Movie Week (although Steve didn’t even know Week 3 of Strictly means we’re all at the movies!)